Types Of Black Tea And The History Of Its Origin

China is the birthplace of black tea, and all types of black tea and processing techniques around the world originated from China. Chinese types of black teas include Lapsang Souchong, Keemun Black Tea, Dianhong Black Tea, and Chuanhong Black Tea. Internationally renowned black tea types include Assam Tea, Darjeeling Tea, and Ceylon Tea.
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Where does tea come from?

China is undoubtedly the birthplace of tea, with the world's largest tea cultivation area and the oldest ancient tea forests in Yunnan. Oolong tea and white tea are also unique to China. However, it is unfortunate that despite China's rich tea heritage, the global tea market has long been dominated by the British, and...
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Is Oolong Tea Black Tea?

Oolong tea is not black tea, but like black tea, it is one of the six major tea categories. Oolong tea comes in two flavor profiles: light fragrance and strong fragrance. Light fragrance oolong tea has a fresh and clean taste, while strong fragrance oolong tea is roasted, offering a rich, toasty aroma. Visit...
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